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Open House New York Meets Serverless: A 40Q and Ymir Success Story

About Open House New York

Open House New York (OHNY) is a nonprofit known for hosting a month-long event each year that allows the public to experience New York City’s architecture and design through tours, talks, and educational programs. Although the events stretch out over many weeks, the big surge happens in a single day: when tickets go on sale.

For a nonprofit on a tight budget, this annual ticket sale was both thrilling and stressful. Their site would see massive spikes in traffic, forcing them to keep an expensive hosting plan just to avoid crashes once a year. It was unsustainable, but there didn’t seem to be an alternative. That was until 40Q, a design and development agency, brought in Ymir to help.

Empowering Growth: JOE Media Group’s Strategic Shift with Ymir

About JOE Media Group

Founded in Ireland in 2010, JOE Media Group is a prominent digital publisher recognized for its engaging and diverse content aimed at young adults, particularly men aged 18-35. The company operates several popular brands such as JOE, SportsJOE, Her, Lovin, The London Economic, and Gay Star News. These brands cover a wide range of topics such as sports, entertainment, news, politics, lifestyle, and technology, delivering content that resonates with its audience’s interests and passions.

Building on its success in Ireland, JOE Media Group quickly expanded to the United Kingdom where it quickly gained a substantial following through its “social-first” content strategy, particularly excelling in creating viral videos and engaging social media content. Leveraging this growth and the ability to captivate audiences, JOE Media Group has established itself as a key player in the digital media landscape.

Why WordPress Agencies Should Pay Attention to Serverless

In the world of web development, WordPress agencies are always striving to stay competitive and provide exceptional service to clients. One constant challenge is WordPress hosting.

WordPress hosting requires a complex balancing act. You have to balance cost, performance and ability to handle traffic spikes and website growth. This is where serverless can make a real difference.

Serverless is a new approach that’s changing how we build and deploy web applications. But why should this matter to WordPress agencies? In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of serverless and how it can revolutionize your agency’s operations.

Getting started with serverless PHP

I gave a talk on serverless PHP at LonghornPHP 2022. This is the companion article I wrote for it. If you’re just looking for the slides, click here.

For PHP developers, servers occupy a weird space in our lives. We can’t work without them. But, for most of us, managing them is something that we’d rather avoid. Instead, we’re happy to pay for hosting companies to take the pain away.

But hosting companies don’t remove all your hosting headaches. If you’re managing a server yourself (or with the help of a tool like Laravel Forge or SpinupWP), you’re still on the hook if something happens and you still have to maintain them. (Ubuntu LTS still has a end of life! 😅)

And even with Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), you’re not completely off the hook. You have to worry about scaling. This often leaves you overpaying for hosting because you have to be on a plan that can handle the worst-case scenario.

These are some problems that serverless PHP addresses. With serverless PHP, you pay for what you use. If your PHP application isn’t receiving any traffic, you’re not paying to keep a server online. But, at the same time, you get an infrastructure that can scale to handle thousands of requests within a minute.

Why serverless is the perfect hosting solution for an EDD licensing server

Serverless computing is a relatively new concept. Outside Ymir and its customers, there hasn’t been a lot of interest around it in the WordPress community. Part of it is distrust around the term “serverless” and what it really implies compared to hosting WordPress with a server.

But part of it is just not knowing what serverless is good at. Serverless is the best technology for scaling an application and doing so quickly. That’s why it’s an amazing technology for hosting e-commerce WordPress sites using WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads (EDD). I’ve written about WooCommerce before, but the entire article also applies to EDD as well.

That said, a lot of people know and use EDD for a specific use case: software licensing. Their software licensing extension is very popular with paid plugin authors. It saves them the time and energy to develop their own licensing system. (A complex endeavour for anyone!)

While a licensing server isn’t an e-commerce site per se, it still suffers from similar issues as an e-commerce site. That’s why serverless is also a perfect technological solution for anyone self-hosting their own EDD licensing server.

Let’s dive into why that is.

Serverless WordPress architecture on AWS

Serverless PHP is a new exciting technology that has the potential to remove a lot of the burden of hosting PHP applications. One type of application that has the most to gain from serverless PHP is WordPress. Serverless PHP eases the burden of scaling WordPress while offering the same performance benefits that you’d get with a top tier host.

To understand how serverless PHP works with WordPress, we’ll look at the current state of the modern WordPress server architecture. This architecture has evolved a lot over the last decade. (You can read more about it here.) Gone are the days of just hosting a WordPress site with an Apache server! There’s a lot more to hosting a WordPress site now.

The good news is that hosting a serverless WordPress site looks a lot like it does with a modern WordPress server stack. The big change is that you’re going to replace a lot of the architecture components with services from a cloud provider.

Now, the services that you’ll use and how they fit together will vary from one cloud provider to another. With serverless PHP, the most popular cloud provider is AWS. That’s why we’ll focus on serverless WordPress architecture on AWS.

It’s also worth noting that this is the same architecture that you’d get using Ymir. The only difference is that Ymir takes care of managing it all for you. (That’s also why it’s a DevOps platform.) But if you don’t mind putting all the pieces together yourself or with the help of another tool (such as the serverless framework), this article will help you achieve that.

How to build an image optimizing CDN with CloudFront

In a previous article, we looked at how you could use CloudFront to do WordPress page caching. Using a content delivery network (CDN) is a great way to make your WordPress site fast for anyone on the planet.

That said, if you’ve ever had to deal with getting a good page speed insight score for a client, you know page caching is just one of part of the equation! There are other things necessary to optimize the performance of a WordPress site. One of them is image optimization.

Page speed insight expects you to have optimized images. As an example, this can mean converting gifs to pngs if they’re not animated. But, in most cases, it means converting images to the webp image format.

There’s currently talk of adding webp conversion to WordPress. But until that day, most of us install plugins that optimize images for us. That said, a lot of these plugins rely on (or try to upsell you) an image CDN to perform image optimization.

An image CDN is generally a better way to optimize images. They can do it seamlessly and require little to no integration with WordPress. For example, Bunny CDN has an optimizer product that’ll do image optimization on the fly for you. No plugin needed.

Now, CloudFront doesn’t have an image optimizer product like Bunny CDN does. Ymir can configure one for you. But if you’re not using Ymir, you’re not without options either. It’s actually quite simple to create a simple image optimization CDN with CloudFront using a Lambda@Edge function.

An honest conversation about being a WordPress sysadmin

One of the most common things you’ll see as a web developer, especially in the WordPress space, is a variation of this statement:

Don’t pay $X/month on hosting when you could pay $5/month for a small server with Y and run WordPress yourself.

There’s also a serverless variation of this statement, which sounds like this:

Don’t pay a fortune for Lambda when you could get a server cheaper with Y or even EC2.

Now, sometimes you’re forced to think that way because of your clients or boss. They don’t feel that paying $30/month for hosting is worth it. Or they hear you can just pay $5/month for a server and want you to do that.

This is really a bad idea. And it’s something I’ve written about before. You should push back on that as much as you can.

That said, this isn’t the conversation I want to have today. The one I want to have is with people who genuinely believe that it’s better you become an amateur system administrator than to pay someone else to do it. The reality is the cost calculation around that is completely flawed and out of touch with reality.

How to use CloudFront to do WordPress page caching

Previously, we looked at WordPress page caching using a content delivery network (CDN). This is an essential tool for speeding up a WordPress site at a global scale. That said, it’s still not commonly used by a lot of WordPress hosts.

With Ymir, you get a CloudFront (Amazon’s CDN) distribution set up to do page caching on production environments by default. This is a great feature of the product. But what if you want to configure CloudFront to do page caching yourself?

Well, this isn’t talked a lot about. In my research, the only article I found was this one on an AWS blog. This article will use that article as a baseline, but will discuss in more detail how to set up CloudFront.

A look at WordPress page caching with a CDN

We all know how important it is to have a fast WordPress site. If your site is slow, people leave or don’t make a purchase. It’s also a signal Google uses to do its ranking.

To make our WordPress site fast, we use different tools for different parts of the server stack. We have an object cache to speed up our MySQL queries. And then we have a HTTP cache to speed up how fast we return HTML back to the browser. You can see a diagram of how those different pieces work together below. (You can also read more about it here.)

You might have never heard of a HTTP cache, but you probably heard of the category of plugins that act as a HTTP cache. They’re called page caching plugins. Most WordPress sites use one or if they don’t, it’s because their host handles the HTTP caching. (Most of the time using Varnish.)

Now, you can also add a content delivery network (CDN) to the mix. If you’re not familiar with what a CDN is, it’s a service that lets you cache content in data centers across the globe. This allows you to serve cached content even faster because the CDN will serve it from the data center closest to the person making the request.

Now, a lot of page caching plugins support CDNs. But they only do so for media files such as CSS, JS, images and video. The HTML content that the page caching plugin generates still gets served from the server where your WordPress site is located. This means that, even with page caching, your site can still be slow for someone who isn’t close to where that server is.

This is, in essence, why you should use a CDN to do page caching. So why aren’t more plugins helping you do it? Let’s look at why that is and current solutions surrounding this problem.