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Why WordPress Agencies Should Pay Attention to Serverless

In the world of web development, WordPress agencies are always striving to stay competitive and provide exceptional service to clients. One constant challenge is WordPress hosting.

WordPress hosting requires a complex balancing act. You have to balance cost, performance and ability to handle traffic spikes and website growth. This is where serverless can make a real difference.

Serverless is a new approach that’s changing how we build and deploy web applications. But why should this matter to WordPress agencies? In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of serverless and how it can revolutionize your agency’s operations.

An honest conversation about being a WordPress sysadmin

One of the most common things you’ll see as a web developer, especially in the WordPress space, is a variation of this statement:

Don’t pay $X/month on hosting when you could pay $5/month for a small server with Y and run WordPress yourself.

There’s also a serverless variation of this statement, which sounds like this:

Don’t pay a fortune for Lambda when you could get a server cheaper with Y or even EC2.

Now, sometimes you’re forced to think that way because of your clients or boss. They don’t feel that paying $30/month for hosting is worth it. Or they hear you can just pay $5/month for a server and want you to do that.

This is really a bad idea. And it’s something I’ve written about before. You should push back on that as much as you can.

That said, this isn’t the conversation I want to have today. The one I want to have is with people who genuinely believe that it’s better you become an amateur system administrator than to pay someone else to do it. The reality is the cost calculation around that is completely flawed and out of touch with reality.

The serverless revolution is alive and well in the PHP world

A few months ago, there was an article that discussed the current state of serverless computing why it fell short on its promise. People like Jack Ellis of Fathom Analytics chimed in about it on Twitter. There have been some incredible serverless breakthroughs in the last two years. And because of those, serverless has really grown in potential as opposed to stalled.

Now, this article will focus on the impact of these serverless breakthroughs for running PHP on AWS Lambda. I can’t speak for other programming languages. That said, some things we’ll go over should apply to them as well.